Hack The Box - Sauna
My write-up / walktrough for Sauna on Hack The Box. …
analyze a security incident with splunk -> write up
Introduction As part of my further training, I have to analyze a security incident with splunk. Therefore, I was given access to a Splunk-enviroment and received a list with a couple of questions like What was the first brute force password used?. I didn’t receive any further information. As I’m a complete newby with Splunk, I presume that I will be pretty challenged :-) …
Welcome to my blog!
Normally, I really don’t like to publish data on the Internet. This has a series of reasons like: content on the net is written in ink, it will remain there for a long time and what I’m proud of today may embarasse me tomorrow. there are tons of magnificient pages, forums, wikis, videos, tutorials and blogs with almost every trick, life-hack, tip and hint someone can imagine, so no need at all to clog the net with further "wannaBe-cool-stuff". …